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Oreworld Trade (Tangshan) Co., Ltd.
Oreworld Trade (Tangshan) Co., Ltd.
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About Oreworld
About Oreworld
Oreworld trade (Tangshan) co., Ltd. has been engaged in exporting business for about 20 years. We are dealing in fields of special cements, refractory materials and ore products.
For the special cement products, it includes calcium aluminate cements (CA cement)and calcium sulfoaluminate cements (CSA cement/CSA binder). The CSA cement is more and more imported by GRC manufacturers and dry mix mortars manufactures because of its higher performance compare to the Portland cement such as fast setting time, rapid hardening and high strength in 3 days. It is also widely used in bridge building the highway building and cold weather concreting.
Our exporting quantities for the CSA cement and calcium aluminate cement is around 30000 mts per year.
About Oreworld
Your Reliable CSA cement supplier from China!

Your Reliable CSA cement supplier from China!

Oreworld has more than 20 years in exporting special cement products. 
We provide the best price and solution to you.

Overview of Oreworld

Overview of Oreworld

Overview of Oreworld
March 1, 1997 officially carried out market research and other preparatory work,determined the scope of the company's business. Based on years of research and practice, on July 9, 2001 formally incorporated Oreworld Trade (Tangshan) Co., Ltd., to sell non-metallic mineral products globally.We control the product quality from its origin and reduce the cost to ensure our products remain competitive in the global market.
Meanwhile, we work with some well-known universities and research institutions, and professors to solve technical problems.

Oreworld Company Philosophy

Oreworld Company Philosophy
  • 1
    Care for and protect the Earth’s Environment, Reasonable development and utilization of nonrenewable resources isour most important company philosophy.
  • 2
    Actively promote the new types of low-carbon and non-metallic minerals, develop new applications and new products, making contribution to human civilization.
  • 3
    Our Aim is to meet clients’ demands, settle the clients’ problems and to satisfy the clients.
  • 4
    Decrease the costs from mining, ore-dressing, processing, production to transportation, offer high quality andcompressive price of products to our clients.