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Is High Alumina Refractory Mud the Same As High Alumina Cement?

1. The difference between high alumina refractory mud and high alumina cement

High aluminum refractory mud is a refractory material used in the joints of refractory bricks. The plate is made of high aluminum powder plus a certain proportion of binding agent and coagulant, and then mixed with water or liquid binding agent to form a slurry, the size deviation can be adjusted by smearing on the refractory brick surface. It can make the refractory bricks form a tight whole to prevent the damage of high temperature and external force. That is to say, it is the fire mud for bricklaying. It is a finished solid powder.

High alumina cement is a kind of binding agent in refractory applications. High alumina cement is also called aluminate cement. It is a clinker with 50% alumina content calcined with bauxite and lime. Aluminate cement is yellow or brown. The high-grade high-alumina cement is white. The labels are 625#, 725#, 925# and CA70, CA80.

High alumina cement is closely related to refractory materials and can be used as a binder for various constables. In addition, some 525# and 425# cements are equipped with gypsum bauxite for construction and special projects. High alumina cement has a good coagulation effect in the castable, which will make the castable have high temperature resistance and good strength. It is a raw material for refractory materials.

2. High alumina cement is different from high-alumina refractory clay

High alumina cement and high alumina refractory mud are completely different products, but both have an inseparable relationship with refractories. It is also one of two varieties with a large proportion among refractory products.

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Is High Alumina Refractory Mud the Same As High Alumina Cement?