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Do You Know How High Alumina Cement is Made?

1. What is high alumina cement?

High alumina cement is made by sintering or fusion grinding calcium materials such as alumina and lime. Also known as calcium-aluminum cement, it is a common and popular refractory material due to its advantages and uses. So why is high alumina cement the best refractory material? Where is the high alumina cement produced?

In 1925, a British cement manufacturer called Lafarge developed high aluminium cement. However, they found that high-alumina concrete can mainly withstand the chemical hazards found in marine construction. Over the years, engineers discovered other qualities, such as ease of production and rapid strength gain. High alumina cement composition : silica 3 to 8%, alumina 37 to 41%, lime 36 to 40%, iron oxide 9 to 10%, titanium 1.5 to 2%, magnesium 1%, insoluble residue 1%.

2. How is high alumina cement made?

Basically, the production of high alumina cement is different from the production of ordinary concrete. This is because high alumina cement basically uses bauxite and lime as raw materials. They are mixed in set amounts and ground into 100mm pieces. The chips are then heated to their melting point (1600 °C ) in a kiln. The molten product is then conveyed down to the steel plate, where it is cooled in a rotary kiln. After that, it is finely ground into a tube mill until the product reaches 2250 cm2/g.

3. Properties, uses and advantages of high alumina cement

High alumina cement properties generally have a lower pH, basically a high refractive index, also durable in sulfuric acid, equally fast cement hardening, when added to refractory castables as a binding material (forms ceramic bonds at high temperatures) knot).

Uses of High Alumina Concrete : Usually this high alumina cement product is widely used in sewer infrastructure and marine construction. In addition, high alumina cement is used in alumina refractory cement for furnaces, boilers, kilns and chimneys. This is because high alumina cement is strong enough to withstand very high temperatures and is durable.

Advantages of high-alumina cement : High-alumina cement concrete has many advantages due to its large-scale properties. In addition, the heat resistance of high alumina cement is useful for industries dealing with high temperatures and even direct fires. In addition, high alumina cement has high compressive strength and is very reactive. It is also worth mentioning the low frost effect of high alumina cement, as more heat is generated during setting.

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Do You Know How High Alumina Cement is Made?