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Differences of the quality of High Aluminum fire Bricks

High alumina fire bricks are commonly used in industrial kilns in China, such as steel, steelmaking, hot blast furnace, electric furnace roof, blast furnace, reverberatory furnace, rotary kiln lining, etc. They are mainly composed of bauxite, sillimanite minerals (including kyanite, rutile, sillimanite, etc.), and artificial materials such as industrial alumina, mullite and fused corundum.

High alumina fire brick has good application quality, high refractory, long service life and other characteristics. It is the primary fire brick products used in industrial kilns. Generally speaking, the quality and grade of high alumina fire bricks cannot be distinguished correctly when purchasing, which results in the high-price purchase of low-grade goods, and then reduces the service life of kilns. So here is a brief introduction of how to identify the quality of bricks when purchasing high-alumina bricks. Color: When purchasing high-alumina bricks, the first thing to look at is the color.

Excellent high alumina fire bricks have excellent surface lubrication, yellow whitening, flat sides, no broken angles and no cracks. Component: To weigh the weight of a single brick, the weight of the first-grade high alumina fire brick is 4.5 kg according to the component specification. The weight of secondary high alumina fire brick is 4.2 kg, and that of tertiary high alumina fire brick is 3.9 kg. Equal grade and equal parameter type can reach this standard, which can be regarded as excellent high alumina fire brick. On the contrary, the clarification quality of this component is not good. If it cracks, uneven corners and broken angles are found, they are unqualified commodities.
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Differences of the quality of High Aluminum fire Bricks